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In Teacher Education


ICT In Teacher Education


It is a 12-Weeks and 4 Credits Certificate Course. In this course, the teacher educators will learn about a wide variety of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) tools that can be used in teaching-learning process. ICT tools can provide teacher educators with innovative ways for organising their day-to-day activities, content presentation, assessment, communication and collaboration.

This course will not only introduce teacher educators to familiarize ICT tools but also learn them how to effectively integrate these tools in educational environment on a daily basis.

Learning Outcomes

This course will enable the teacher educators to:

1. Identify various ICT tools meant for teaching at school and university levels of education.
2. Organise their weekly, monthly and yearly curricular and co- curricular activities using suitable ICT tools.
3. Prepare their lessons using suitable ICT tools meant for content presentation and communication.
4. Evaluate their students’ performance using suitable ICT-based assessment tools.

Course Tutors

Tameem Ahmad

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science, ZHCET, AMU

Dr. Mohammad Sajid

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science, AMU

Dr. Kiran Lata


Department of Education, Lucknow

Environmental Education In Teacher’s Training Institutes runs over a 12 week period. You will be required to attend the classes as well as listen to online lectures.